
Nam Heong Egg Tarts (Ipoh)

I haven't been specially into egg tarts, thus I am here just to offer my two cents of opinions. This is a restaurant we came across in search for original Old Town Coffee Shop. I still don't know if this restaurant - Nam Heong Restaurant is the original one or not, maybe those who know can tell me. :P

Personally, I think that the puff pastry's skin is pretty crispy. As for the custard filling, it tasted average to me (from my countable experiences of treats to egg tarts :P).

Egg Tarts are a kind of pastry that is popular in Hong Kong, Macau, surrounding areas in southern China and overseas Chinese communities. It consists of a flaky outer crust, with a middle filled with egg custard, which is then baked. It is related to the English-style custard tart, a pastry commonly enjoyed in the British Isles, Australia, and New Zealand. Egg tarts are typically marketed at Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau bakeries, cha chaan tengs, and some dim sum restaurants.
(Extracted from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_tart)

Nam Heong Egg Tart
Nam Heong Egg Tart

Nam Heong Egg Tarts 6-in-1 Packaging
Nam Heong Egg Tart Packaging

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